About The Backing Tracks Bible

I started the BTB after I joined the Backing Tracks Facebook Group and saw a flood of various questions I had the answers to. From there I started a list, now its grown to a website.


As the use of backing tracks becomes increasingly popular among musicians and bands, many find themselves at a crossroads due to a lack of technical knowledge needed to acquire and use these tracks effectively. This technological hurdle has left numerous artists searching for reliable information and guidance. To bridge this gap, I established a website designed to simplify the complexities surrounding backing tracks. This platform offers a wealth of resources, including tutorials, expert advice, and a link to our Facebook forum, aimed at empowering musicians to seamlessly integrate backing tracks into their performances, thereby enhancing their sound without sacrificing the live music experience.


The debate around using backing tracks highlights a divide in the music community, with some viewing it as taboo and unprofessional due to concerns over authenticity and the impact on live performance energy. Yet, backing tracks can significantly enhance a performance if used wisely. It's important to tackle this stigma by educating musicians on the strategic use of these tools, proving that they do not compromise musical integrity. Creating more resources to learn this craft is vital, enabling musicians and bands to adopt this growing trend effectively. Such education can foster broader acceptance, helping artists to innovate while staying true to the essence of live music, and ensuring they remain relevant in the ever-evolving music industry.


Learning how to utilize backing tracks offers significant benefits beyond enhancing musical performances; it's also a strategic move for cost efficiency and increasing revenue. For individual artists and bands, incorporating these tracks can reduce the need for additional live musicians, lowering upfront costs without sacrificing sound quality. This leaner setup not only maintains the integrity of the performance but also positions artists to negotiate higher fees for gigs and acoustic sets. By mastering the creation and use of backing tracks, musicians acquire a valuable skill set that enhances their marketability. This expertise allows them to offer a fuller, more versatile sound, making their act more appealing to venues and event organizers. In essence, becoming proficient with backing tracks is not just about enriching the music; it's also about strategically enhancing the artist's brand and financial prospects.

Who am I

Brian Ervin

Drummer, Webdesigner and user of Backing Tracks

I got into using backing tracks when I joined a touring Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin tribute band and saw the benifits of using click track and backing tracks to give a much richer fuller rhythmic sound to a smaller group of musicians.

Brian Ervin

Just a guy

A backing track is the perfect bandmate. It doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, shows up on time and plays it's instrument very well while requiring nothing in return. ”.